Hello everyone!
As things in life are settling, so is my blogging schedule. Let’s hope I stick to 2 posts a week even when my courses start. I’m really excited about all the posts I have for you. Today I have a very interesting product to review for you. This was sent to me in PR, but I’m here to give you my honest opinion. I already did a review on the whole label.m brand, so check it out! Also, I showed this product in my latest haul.
I don’t usually review brushes, but this one really caught my attention, because of what it does. So let’s start with the review!
What is label.m detangle brush?
Here is what the label.m website says about this product:
“The first professional detangle brush with compact mirror and storage capacity. The perfect handbag accessory for silky smooth hair on the go.
Featuring super gentle bristles that detangles knots in wet and dry hair and smoothes hair to fight frizz and enhance shine.
label.m professional detangle brush, helps prevent breakage, cuticle damage and split ends. Designed to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand for better bristle penetration and control.
Suitable for use on all hair types including hair extensions.”
It retails for around $15, but you should check your local label.m supplier. Also, mine is in silver, and you can get it in 4 different colours.
How it works?
As you can see in the photo, it has 3 different sizes of bristles, which are plastic. Because of these different sizes, it will hug the strands of your hair, separating them, and while doing so, not pulling your hair. Even though my hair is straight, I had problems combing through it after washing (I never combed it while it was wet). Then I bought a wide tooth comb, to comb my hair while still wet, and while it did it job, it really pulled on my hair, and a lot of it fell out. Then I received this. I never even once had to work on one piece of hair for longer than just going through it with this brush. All it takes to detangle your hair is one swipe.
Yes, the subheading says how it works, but I honestly don’t know 😀 I know it’s amazing, and if you have unruly hair, you struggle detangling it and it hurts when you try to, you should try this one!
What it does?
Besides detangling, it has a compartment for storage with a little mirror. The mirror is pretty tiny, so I see no use for it. As for the storage, I don’t exactly know what I’d keep in there. It would be perfect for hair ties, or bobby pins, but hair ties would get wet, because it has a hole where you open it, and bobby pins would probably fall out through the same hole.
It also makes your hair shiny, which is weird, but I did notice that my hair is a lot nicer than it used to be.
As far as it getting rid of static electricity, or frizz from your hair… It does a better job than a plain comb, which makes my hair stick out in every direction possible, but when I use it on dry hair, there is some frizz, still. So, I recommend using it on wet hair.
My opinion & who should use it?
I think it’s a briliant product. If I love it, and I don’t have that many problems detangling my hair without it, imagine how thrilled would be someone who struggles with it!
It’s pretty ergonomic, and easy to hold on to and use. I had some trouble getting used to it, but once I did, I love the design!
I think it’s great even for someone with curly hair. I think it would make curls beautiful, even, shiny and defined.
It’s great for using on wet hair, but it can cause some frizz on dry hair, but still detangles very effortlessly.
It takes only one swipe through your hair to detangle even the most tangled knots (which I tend to have).
It has a storage compartment, and a mirror, which I, personally, see no use for.
It’s cheaper than most of the detangling brushes I’ve seen on the market, but works wonders.
And that’s it for today’s post! Have you tried any of the detangling brushes on the market? Have you tried this brush? Have you tried anything by label.m?
Thank you for reading!
See you soon x
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