products that have been sent to me as a PR sample for consideration for
review. I only accept samples that I feel fit in well with my content
and what I would like to write about. All my opinions and
reviews will be 100% honest.
I reserve the right to sometimes accept Sponsored Posts on my blog, but only if the
content fits in with my blog or if I think it is something that you
would enjoy reading or would benefit from. On posts like these I will
always mark them as a “Sponsored Post” at the bottom of the post.
If you would like to contact me regarding PR samples or Sponsored Posts, you can email me at
All the information I provide in this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only and when you are in doubt, you
should seek help from a professional. All information provided on and taken from my blog is at your own risk. You are reading my blog of your own free will.
Unless otherwise noted, I are the legal copyright holder of all
material on your blog, including text and photography, and others cannot use it to reprint or
publish without my written consent, or in some cases without a link back to my blog.
Everything I state in this blog is my opinion, and my opinion only. If I don’t like the product, I will let you know (or not write about it), and I will not falsly glorify products I get sent for reviewing. If you want to send me something, I will take it into consideration, and if I don’t like the product I will let you know before writing about it.
I will not sell any of your personal or contact information to
another company. I will not put your information on spam lists, but I am not responsible for the
privacy practices of any of my advertisers or blog commenters.
I reserve the right to change the focus on my blog, to shut it down,
sell it or to change the terms of use at my
own discretion.
I am not responsible for the actions of my advertisers
or sponsors. If you buy a product of service
based upon a link from my blog, you must take action with that exact
company to resolve any issues, not with me. Also, all of those links will be marked one way or another, and you will know what the link is.
I live in Croatia, so some of the products I mention can be very out dated, so I’m sorry if you can’t find it anywhere anymore.
This page contains affiliate links. I get a commission on purchases from the links. If you don’t want to use them, it’s totally fine! But you will not pay anything more because you’re using that link.