Hello everyone! Pročitajte post na hrvatskom! I recently had a giveaway for the Croatian portion of my audience, and many girls told me they wanted me to talk about hair care more. Well, my hair has never been worse, so I’m not really the one to talk about hair care. However, there is one thing […]
Božićne dekoracije || #KellysDiyXmas br.9

Bok svima! Danas za vas imam novi božićni DIY. Možete li vjerovati da je do Božića još samo 10 dana? Budući da imamo još nešto vremena do Božića, definitivno imate dovoljno vremena za još nekoliko DIY projekata, a ja vam danas donosim čak 2 nova. Jedan je izuzetno jednostavan, dok drugi zahtijeva nešto više vremena, […]
Christmas Decorations || #KellysDiyXmas no.9

Hello everyone! Today, I have a new Christmas DIY for you. Can you believe it’s only 10 days until Christmas? Since we have more than one week to go, you definitely have time for a few more DIYs before Christmas, and today I’m bringing you two new projects. One is super simple, and the second […]
Advent Wreaths || #KellysDiyXmas no.8

Hello everyone! It’s December! Officially. It is now becoming a tradition of mine, that I post 4 (or 3 :D) DIY posts during December. Today, I am bringing you the first Christmas DIY post, and it’s going to be 2 Advent Wreaths. Neither of them is a wreath per se. So it’s actually my take […]
Adventski vijenac || #KellysDiyXmas br. 8

Bok svima! Prosinac je! Možete li vjerovati? Ova je godina za mene prošla najbrže do sada. Ovo već postaje tradicija, ali kroz prosinac objavljujem 4 (ili 3 :D) božićna DIY posta. Danas vam donosim prvi post iz serije za ovu godinu, a radi se o čak 2 adventska vijenca, iako niti jedan od njih nije […]
Vitamin C Serum || DIY

Hello everyone! I have a very interesting post for you today. We are going to learn how to make a 10% Vitamin C Serum. If you remember my #FormulaFriday posts, which I still plan on continuing, I wrote about Vitamin C in one of them. Let’s remind ourselves what it does?
DIY Gift Wrapping Ideas || #KellysDiyXmas no.7

Hello everyone! So, Christmas is almost here! I hope you have all your gifts sorted out. However, I hope you haven’t wrapped any of them, because I think you will really enjoy what I have for you in this post. This is the third (and last, I’m afraid) DIY post for this year, and it’s […]
DIY Branch Christmas Tree || #KellysDiyXmas no.6

Hello everyone! Today I have a new DIY post for you, and it’s another Christmas tree. This is for all of you that live in tiny spaces, and don’t really have enough space to put a real tree in. It’s really easy to make, maybe a tiny bit time consuming, but I seriously love the […]
Fragrant Christmas Home Decor || #KellysDiyXmas no.5

Hello everyone! It’s that time of the year again and I have a new post for you. I am very aware that I missed one week, since my DIYs are usually 4 weeks leading up to Christmas, but I am going to either make one much bigger, or just post two in one week. Do […]
My eBay Order + Saving Money on X-Mas Shopping

Hello everyone! Today I have my first X-mas post for you! I placed a bunch of orders over on eBay for my blog, my X-Mas DIYs and just for myself, so I wanted to share some of these with you. Also, I have some deals for you that you probably won’t be able to refuse. […]