Hello everyone! Today I’m here with a very cool tag. Firstly, I would like to thank lovely Kay from ShoesAndGlitter for tagging me. Please do check out her blog, since her photos are stunning and she writes in a very passionate manner about makeup and beauty. I’m sure you’ll love her. Now onto today’s tag. […]
Read/Wear/Listen/Want #1 and an Exciting Announcement!

Hello everyone! I saw this post on Sinead’s blog and I told her I would really like to do that myself. So I am bringing you a post about what I’ve been doing lately. And make sure you stay til the end, because I have some exciting news to share (well, exciting for me, anyway). […]
Rambly Post&Get To Know Me Tag
Hello everyone! Today I’m bringing you something a bit different. I’m going to talk about me, my plans, what is this blog going to look like in the future, about my blog in Croatian and at the very end I’m going to do a little get to know me tag. So, as you may, or […]