Hello everyone! Pročitajte post na hrvatskom! Happy new year! I hope you all had an amazing holiday season, that your resolutions are all written down and ready to conquer. I have to say, my goals for this year are much more achievable than how they used to be. I will write them all down and […]
BeautyBox July/August 2017 || UNBOXING
Hello everyone! I’m back! I’ve been on a 3-week vacation. Batteries charged. Ready to dig into work. Today I have an unboxing for you. I did the same one, at the same time last year. I haven’t ordered a beauty subscription box in quite some time, but I feel like boxes here in Croatia are […]
BeautyBox srpanj/kolovoz || UNBOXING
Bok svima Danas za vas imam uzbudljiv post. Zapravo je više uzbudljiv za mene nego za vas, no ipak se nadam da ćete uživati u njemu. Sjećate li se da sam nedavno pisala o Tester boxu i bila poprilično nezadovoljna? Većina čitatelja na postu na engleskom rekla je da sam s pravom razočarana. Ovaj put […]
BeautyBox July/August || UNBOXING
Hello everyone! Today I have a new exciting post for you. Well, it’s kind of more exciting for me, than for you, but I hope you’ll still enjoy it. If you remember a while ago, I wrote about Tester.hr’s beauty box, and I was quite disappointed. And you guys told me I was right to […]